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Executive Protection
Executive Protection

Executive protection and intelligence services provide customized executive protection services for close protection, secure travel logistics, and related security services for the well-being of a principal wherever and whenever necessary. Executive protection services help mitigate the elevated and ever-changing personal risk of individuals due to their prominence, wealth, occupation, reputation, travel destinations, or other factors.

Executive protection personnel include former federal/state/local law enforcement and military special operations.

In addition to providing peace of mind and productivity support for prominent individuals and their families, boards often mandate corporate executive protection services and programs for CEOs and other principals in order to exercise duty of care and to safeguard shareholder interests.

Protective programs may include covert protection and protective surveillance to minimize intrusiveness and deter incidents as far from the principal as possible. We take great pride in the rigorous selection and training of our executive protection professionals to ensure we have the right people to serve and protect each client.